Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ethics, with Ivan Lasater

Our Grand County native and Moab, Utah local Ivan Lasater, discusses ethics in business.

What are Ethics in Business

The code of conduct within an industry or culture, or the standards by which they run are referred to as ethics. What is Ivan's view on ethics? Let’s examine that.

Ivan lasater is a professional in the Oil and Gas Industry. He is also an emerging executive, an entrepreneur, and a specialist in his field. Ivan places a great deal of emphasis on forming relationships inside the Oil and Gas Industry. His upward mobility depends on it. Ivan knows that in order to get ahead in that industry, it helps to know who you’re dealing with, and forming a network of reliable relationships within the industry gives him a greater understanding of that.

This is where ethics comes in. Since ethics differ from morals in a sense that ethics cover a particular set of agreed upon standards within a culture or industry, instead of a broadly agreed upon, generally conformed to paradigm of what is right and wrong, we won’t discuss morality.

Why are Ethics Important in Business

Ivan believes ethics are an important part of business. For the people who practice good business ethics, reputation and credibility within the industry are sure to materialize. There is no doubt that this country was founded on industry and the development of business ideas unique to our resources. As business became more and more a valuable part of our growing society, standards had to be implemented to help protect the good business from the bad. These standards supply the most valuable resource business has, a confident consumer. Ivan explained that consumer confidence in any product or service is what drives sales.

Left to Interpretation

Because ethics doesn't often coincide with legality or even morality at times, it can be hard to determine the right and wrong ethical decision to make at times. Consequences for bad ethical decisions are rarely punishable by law and don’t necessarily qualify as a moral breach of etiquette. They are more a breach of the agreed upon standards.  Often times, a breach of ethical standards can be avoided by simply compromising and communicating a clearer set of standards that might include gray areas. Flexibility is important when faced with something like a moral or ethical dilemma, but law differs in a sense that law is discussed, written, and those who breach it are held accountable within specific parameters.

The Role of Integrity

There are a number of examples Ivan can give when asked about unethical business practice in any industry. That is why so many businesses are beginning to adopt strict codes of ethics that they impart to their employees during the first stages of their training. Having a clear set of ethical guidelines sets the tone for a successful and credible business. Ivan trains his team to respect good business and avoid shady business at all costs. He implements a code of ethics that is meant to protect his consumers, his clientele, the current laws and regulations, and ultimately his business.
Here’s are some of Ivan's ethical requirements:

·         Be consistent.
·         Make fact based decisions
·         Support decisions that help the most amount of people
·         Respect the individual rights and beliefs of others
·         Think long term
·         Tell the truth and uphold a standard of integrity. (do the right thing even when nobody’s looking)
·         Create the atmosphere you wish you worked in.
·         Avoid double standards


These are good corner stones of a strong foundation. Developing relationships in business is the single most important aspect of growth. Ivan relies heavily on his reputation in the field to build credibility among his peers. The best way to protect your reputation would be to observe the ethical manifestations of your industry, whilst observing the moral and legal aspects on which they may be based.

Ivan Lasater lives in Moab, Utah. He is the Owner/CEO/Founder of ICL Enterprises.

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